-Protect new spring shoots from slugs
-Hard prune any old hedges
-Plant summer-flowering bulbs
-Prune your repeat-flowering roses and remove dead or frost damaged wood
-Lift and divide overgrown clumps of perennials
-Top dress containers with fresh compost
-Mow the lawn on dry days (if needed)
-If weather is mild, plant out hardy seedlings, new plants and any plants needing a move
-Dead-head any bulbs as they fade
-Weeds come back in to growth – deal with them before they get out of hand
-Start feeding fish and using the pond fountain / water feature; remove pond heaters
-Open the greenhouse or conservatory doors and vents on warm days
-Give the garden a complete weeding and general digging-over where needed
March Gardening Tips
Posted March 1, 2019